Application for subsides

Subsidies for the different types of renovation work

The French-speaking cantons offer several Subsidies for the different types of renovation work.

Programme Bâtiments is jointly financed by the federal government and the cantons to improve the energy efficiency of the Swiss building stock.

Since 2017, this programme has been fully managed by the cantons. The Subsidies can be granted for a one-off intervention, for a renovation carried out in several stages, and for a complete renovation carried out in a single site.

Some communes in French-speaking Switzerland also offer Subsidies in complement.

The Subsidies cantons are of both types:


Amounts are granted per m2 of insulated heated element and/or per kW of installed capacity for :

  • energy diagnostics (CECB Plus or Audit according to SIA 2031) for the renovation and to determine possible improvement measures
  • improvement of the thermal envelope by insulating the facades, roofs, floors and slabs of heated areas to the outside and/or partially to the ground
  • improvement or replacement of technical installations, heat recovery and substitution of fossil fuels with renewable energy.


The amounts are granted per m2 of heated horizontal area for:

  • the improvement of several classes CECB up to class D. The amounts are subsidised per m2 of total heated area
  • the improvement of several classes CECB with a standard such as: Minergie Renovation, Minergie-P or HPE and THPE
  • the achievement of part of the label's objectives through energy monitoring and support by an assistant to the project owner, energy section

The CECB Plus is required for Subsidies exceeding CHF 10'000.

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