Energy diagnostics in Switzerland Romandie

CECB and CECB+ Plus energy audits

We carry out an energy audit and produce a building envelope and technology consultancy report to identify the energy efficiency of the buildings. We provide a precise costing of the energy optimisation measures to be implemented for the renovation of the building. The CECB Plus is mandatory in the French-speaking cantons for any subsidy request exceeding CHF 10,000.

CECB certificate

CECB New building

CECB New building

Owners planning a new building can have recourse to the establishment of a CECB. On the basis of the planning values, the expert draws up a document setting out the energy efficiency targets for the future building, in the form of a provisional CECB valid for three years. Once the building is completed, the expert can calculate the actual energy class and certify it in a 10-year "New Building" advisory report CECB . The CECB report verifies that the energy efficiency requirements of the building are met.

PEIK Audit and Delegated Energy Manager

This multi-fluid energy audit is intended for SMEs and public organisations that wish to reduce their consumption of electricity, heating, hot water and water by enhancing their own activity.

PEIK audit

Support for energy project management

PEIK audit

Support for SMEs, private owners and PPEs: implementation of energy modernisation projects, in a process of continuous improvement. This support allows for the reduction of energy bills and the revaluation of real estate assets through the complete handling of administrative and legal procedures. Creation ofenergy proofs for renovation permit applications and requests for Subsidies. Call for tenders with advice on the choice of suppliers for renovation measures.


Energy certificate CECB


Energy certificate CECB +

CECB company

Peik Audit

solar panels

Application for subsides

Connected home

Energy renovation project management